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  • Rajbari-The Roayal Palace of Natore..

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    Natore, which is in the north-western part of country, is famous for its Rajbari or Royal Palace (it is a palace of a famous landlords in the Bengle part of the British India, widely known as Rajbari ).
    There were two famous landlords known as Ramjivan and Raghunandan who were also the sons of Kamdev. One of the two brothers, Ramjivan had a daughter-in-law whose name was Rani Bhawani, and she was a renowned name in the politics in the 18th century’s Bengal. She was born in 1716 and died in 1795. ), Rani Bhawani was famous for her personality , her boundless generosity and also by her public spirit.

    Ramjivan  buil his Rajbari after being a landlord of this area. The area of Rajbari is 50.42 acres of land and which is surrounded with defensive moats. Now in passage of time, the two moats are just a large tanks and some part of it had been turned into orchards and flower gardens. After the death of  Rani Bhawani, the great queen, her only son Ramkrishna start ruling the area. Ramkrishna was her adopted son and after Ramkrishna’s death, Sibnath and Vishwanath who were the sons of Ramkrishna becam heir to the landlord of Natore in 1778.

    In Rajbari, there were nine establishments includes -Boro Taraf, Choto Taraf, two Kachari Bhavan ,Guard House, Rani Bhavan, Guest House and Madhu Rani Bhavan. The main palace is within the compound that is known as Boro Taraf (it was given to eldest son of Ramkrishna), is move toward a long avenue. Just in the down of Boro Taraf , you will find the crumbling walls of the Palace where the great queen Rani Bhavani would live.

    To the end of palace, you will find a second block that is known as Chhoto Taraf (' it actually means “small palace” which was given to the younger son Ramkrishna). There is a pond infront of the main palace and it is one of finest example of proportioned buildings in the country.
    A mindblowing gardens surrounded palaces which increased much beauty of building and main attraction for travelers and tourists. There are also many large and deep ponds which create a nice centerpiece which are surrounded with some Hindu temples-one of them is  for Kali (Hindu God) and the rest one is for Shiva (Lord Shiva).

    How to go?
    Natore in the northern part of country and it a district of Rajshahi division. Nator is about 206km from capital city Dhaka and it would take 4 and a half of hours by road. There is no airway for Natore but you can land in Rajshahi airport and then you need to go Natore by bus which would take about 1 hour only from Rajshahi.  From Natore main city, it would cost you only 30tk by rickshaw to the spot.

    It is beautiful place in the country to visit. The Rajbari also bear the past tremendous and rich history of Bangladesh and represent famous female leadership in the country.
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